We use Artificial Intelligence and Social Media to drive customers straight to you. Ready to jump in? Click Play...

We use Artificial Intelligence and Social Media to drive customers straight to you. Ready to jump in? Click Play...

Our Story

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Innovative, AI-Powered Marketing for Your Business

What does it mean to harness AI and social media in your marketing strategy?

It's about using advanced technology to attract and engage customers more effectively and efficiently.

"A Harvard Business Review study revealed that companies employing AI in sales saw more than a 50% increase in leads, a 60-70% reduction in call time, and a 40-60% reduction in costs." Source: BusinessDit

We specialize in using Artificial Intelligence and social media to create captivating, brand-enhancing content that drives sales, all without adding to your workload.


Social media posts



Innovative, AI-Powered Solutions for Your Business

What does it mean to harness AI and social media in your marketing strategy?

It's about using advanced technology to attract and engage customers more effectively and efficiently.

"A Harvard Business Review study revealed that companies employing AI in sales saw more than a 50% increase in leads, a 60-70% reduction in call time, and a 40-60% reduction in costs." Source: BusinessDit

We specialize in using Artificial Intelligence and social media to create captivating, brand-enhancing content that drives sales, all without adding to your workload.


Social media posts



Tapping into A network of over 4.2 billion shoppers

It's called Social Media Advertising.

And it’s how we connect you with ready-to-buy customers on Facebook and Instagram who are eager to engage with your offerings.

Facebook Advertising

Instagram Advertising

Tapping into A network of over 4.2 billion shoppers

It's called Social Media Advertising.

And it’s how we connect you with ready-to-buy customers on Facebook and Instagram who are eager to engage with your offerings.

Facebook Advertising

Instagram Advertising

A.I. Powered Marketing Solutions

Discover how our AI-powered services can elevate your business operations:

Competitive Analysis

Are limited staff and resources preventing your business from effectively analyzing competitors’ strategies on digital platforms, impacting your competitive edge?

We provide a comprehensive analysis of your competitors' tactics to help you make informed decisions, complete with tailored recommendations.

Automated Follow-Up

Does manual follow-up feel overwhelming, causing you to miss out on potential leads due to limited time and inconsistent efforts?

We create automated follow-up sequences and retargeting ads to ensure timely engagement and keep your audience interested.

Review Management

Do you find your business lacking sufficient customer reviews, making it hard for potential customers to trust your services?

We assist you in gathering and responding to reviews to build a positive online reputation and strengthen your brand presence.

Customer Delivery Funnel

Is your small business struggling to implement effective customer delivery funnels due to a lack of understanding or resources?

We design seamless customer delivery funnels to enhance both customer experience and conversion rates, ensuring a smoother path to purchase.

Ad Optimization

Are you struggling to craft compelling ad copy, target the right audience, and manage your ad budget effectively, resulting in low engagement and wasted spend?

We rewrite and optimize your ads to boost performance and engagement, enhancing your digital advertising effectiveness.

automation features

Websites: Engage, sell, and process payments securely.

Emails: Reignite your contacts and boost sales with strategic follow-ups.

Voice Calls & Drops: Automate customer calls with ease.

Text Messages: Remind appointments to show up and rebook regularly.

A.I. Powered Marketing Solutions

Discover how our AI-powered services can elevate your business operations:

Competitive Analysis

Are limited staff and resources preventing your business from effectively analyzing competitors’ strategies on digital platforms, impacting your competitive edge?

We provide a comprehensive analysis of your competitors' tactics to help you make informed decisions, complete with tailored recommendations.

Automated Follow-Up

Does manual follow-up feel overwhelming, causing you to miss out on potential leads due to limited time and inconsistent efforts?

We create automated follow-up sequences and retargeting ads to ensure timely engagement and keep your audience interested.

Review Management

Do you find your business lacking sufficient customer reviews, making it hard for potential customers to trust your services?

We assist you in gathering and responding to reviews to build a positive online reputation and strengthen your brand presence.

Customer Delivery Funnel

Is your small business struggling to implement effective customer delivery funnels due to a lack of understanding or resources?

We design seamless customer delivery funnels to enhance both customer experience and conversion rates, ensuring a smoother path to purchase.

Ad Optimization

Are you struggling to craft compelling ad copy, target the right audience, and manage your ad budget effectively, resulting in low engagement and wasted spend?

We rewrite and optimize your ads to boost performance and engagement, enhancing your digital advertising effectiveness.

automation features

Websites: Engage, sell, and process payments securely.

Emails: Reignite your contacts and boost sales with strategic follow-ups.

Voice Calls & Drops: Automate customer calls with ease.

Text Messages: Remind appointments to show up and rebook regularly.

Who Am I and Why Am I the Key to Growing Your Business?

Who Am I and Why Am I the Key to Growing Your Business?

Hi, I’m Christopher Marks, founder of Marks A.I. Marketing. I help small businesses attract customers and boost revenue. As a Grant Cardone Licensee and 10X Business Coach, I bring a unique blend of expertise. My background in education and therapeutic services, plus training from leaders like Grant Cardone, Micheal Burt, and Billy Gene Shaw, allows me to use Facebook Ads, AI tools, and marketing automation effectively. I’m committed to delivering data-driven solutions tailored to your needs.

Hi, I’m Christopher Marks, founder of Marks A.I. Marketing. I help small businesses attract customers and boost revenue. As a Grant Cardone Licensee and 10X Business Coach, I bring a unique blend of expertise. My background in education and therapeutic services, plus training from leaders like Grant Cardone, Micheal Burt, and Billy Gene Shaw, allows me to use Facebook Ads, AI tools, and marketing automation effectively. I’m committed to delivering data-driven solutions tailored to your needs.

Here's A Sneak Peek of An Ad I'd Run For You

Want Me To Show You How to Increase Sales Without Increasing Your Effort?

Here's A Sneak Peek of An Ad I'd Run For You

Want Me To Show You How to Increase Sales Without Increasing Your Effort?

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